Developing Your Audio Logo
What do you say when you are introducing yourself before a presentation or speech?
Do you have some set lines you roll out regardless of the situation?
When my e-book was first released over 12 years ago, the idea of an “audio logo” was new and very different for many of those I advise on improving their public speaking skills.
They were set in a pattern of saying their name, where they worked or who they represented and that was it. Nothing about them or what they brought to the presentation or group to whom they were about to speak.
Even in this increasingly busy information age an audio logo is important. Just like a business card, it imparts information quickly and succinctly so you can focus on what you want to say in your presentation rather than justify why you are presenting.
Let’s take a look at how you can make a start with your own audio logo. I recommend you have variations to suit the occasion and purpose of your presentation or speech. The basic information stays the same, the supporting information may change. For those of you wanting more detail on the variations, there are four different templates in my book (available on this site). Details of the book can be found by clicking here.

The first of these templates is:
(less than 60 seconds) – the “audio logo”
The important part of this heading is the word “yourself”. You are representing your business (or your employer’s business) and this is what the audience is there to hear.
This is a time to share your company’s mission or customer focus. It will only sound interesting if you deliver the speech with your own expressions, so find a way to share important information in your particular style, as I discussed in a separate post – What is your Presentation Style?
Consider these examples:
When you think “My name is Nicole and I’m a hairdresser” it would do your business more favour to say “I’m Nicole and my business is Flash Hair Design. My team and I provide affordable quality hair services for our local communities – Smallville, Springfield and Shelbyville.”
Would you say “Fred Bloggs, Legless Solicitors. I am a solicitor specializing in business law” or “Legless Solicitors believes in being actively involved in the business community of which we are a part. My name is Fred Bloggs and I am happy to represent them here today”.
Sometimes we get carried away with information transfer. If this is you then consider this example:
“I know most of you already and you know me. I represent the Slow Drip Plumbing Group. My name’s Don and I am pleased to be here today. We do all types of plumbing work from domestic through to large industrial and even some construction and civil earthworks. We’ve been in the area for 25 years, beginning with a small family business and growing it to more than 30 employees over that time. You’ve probably seen our trucks around town so most of you know us already.”
Condensing the relevant information would give you this
“Hello everyone – if there’s anyone in the room I haven’t met before, my name’s Don and I’m with the Slow Drip Plumbers. We’re a bit of an institution around town, having been here for 25 years doing what we do best – domestic, industrial and other plumbing works.”
Your audience may not hear the first few words of your speech so don’t include anything that can’t be repeated. They will still be thinking about the last speaker or what is coming next.
Try to avoid using the same introductory phrase as everyone else – how often have you been at a meeting where every introduction begins with “My name is ….”.
To help you complete the template by filling in the blanks, answer these content and occasion questions.
- What is the business name?
- How is it commonly known in the community?
- What is my name – the name I would prefer to be used for this occasion?
- Why am I representing the business at this meeting?
- Why is this meting being held?
- Who is in the meeting?
- How many will be at the meeting?
- What are they expecting to hear from me?
Here is the simple template to give you a start by using your answers to the questions above to fill in the blanks.
…………………………….. is a business to ………………….
I am ………………
Today (tonight) I am here to …………………………………