Making a Speech Interesting

Following on from an earlier post about using the right words in your speech, today I want to help you develop your skills in painting word pictures.
Painting word pictures well, gives your audience an impression to take away with them – it makes your speech “memorable”.
- Be original in your choice of descriptive words – e.g. “nice” is a word that has lost all its meaning, it doesn’t describe anything accurately.
- Never aim your vocabulary below the intelligence of your audience.
- Discipline yourself to use words that will be easily understood by all.
When you have to compress your thoughts to fit into a set amount of time, you will see just how valuable the right words can be. Used in the right places, they will give exact meaning to your sentences. You need to plan and refine what you think you should say to cut out the waffle.
A memorable speech is a logical speech – take your audience along the path one idea at a time by painting a vivid picture for them.