Using the Microphone – Part 5 – Practice – Talking in Public

Using the Microphone – Part 5 – Practice

presentation style

Ready to start practising your speech but don’t have a microphone handy? Or perhaps not yet confident of using the microphone as well as using notes for your speech? Let’s get you organised…


Standing or sitting reasonably still is necessary to ensure you can communicate fully and easily. By practising beforehand you will get over that “frozen” feeling of not wanting to knock the microphone or drop your notes.


Set up a practice area – chair, table and something to be the “microphone”, particularly if this is going to be fixed in place when you deliver your speech.

Stay within the confines you have set yourself for movement whilst delivering your speech and work at it until you are satisfied with your efforts. If you kick or brush against the “microphone” you will know you have moved too much and can adjust for your next practice run. If you lose your place in your notes when mastering the microphone, you may need to rethink how to have your notes with you for your speech.


The more familiar you become with these tools (hand held, freestanding or lavalier microphones) the better your speech will be delivered. And that is the aim for everyone – even me – to improve every time you deliver a speech.